Information from the Macedonian Community Welfare Association with assistance from Brimbank City Council
Services that allow clients to keep their independence while providing them with assistance with tasks they are no longer able to perform themselves. This means your parents may be able to remain at home if they only need low level of care. A Care Plan will be organised on a weekly basis to determine what services your parent needs throughout this period.
What is Home Care?
Assistance in the client’s home including, duties such as laundry, vacuuming, culturally appropriate meal preparation, cleaning, ironing, and escorting clients to appointments or shopping.
What is Personal Care?
Assist client with responsibilities such as showering/bathing, toileting, dressing and grooming.
What is Respite Care?
Caring for the person in their home whilst the carer takes a break. i.e. Daughter will leave parent with carer for a few hours until she gets home.
Prosperity Maintenance
Installation of ramps, rails, step modifications, hand held showers.
What are Planned Activity Groups?
Planned Activity Groups are targeted at bringing together frail or disabled and isolated people on a regular basis and creating meaningful social connections with other members of their community. These groups provide time for elderly clients to get out of the house and socialize with other Macedonian clients whilst providing them with a Macedonian lunch.
How can my mother or father get these services?
You can Contact either MCWA or the local council your parents live in. An appointment will be made for an Assessment Officer to visit your parents home to assess the care needs & suitable services to assist them.
What if my parents do not speak English?
The MCWA staff member speaks Macedonian and will be able to communicate with your family members. If you contact the local council you should request an interpreter to be present during the assessment.
What will they offer my parents?
Depending on your parent’s circumstances and living situations they could offer a number of things such as assisting clients with taking them to the doctor, showering, vacuuming, installing ramps in their house etc.
Is there a cost to these services?
The fee will be discussed with the client and are subsidised by the Government.
What if my parent cannot afford the cost of the service?
The Government provides packages to assist clients who are unable to pay for services.
What days and times can my parents receive home care?
They can receive home care 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Where can I get more information?
For more information you can call Daniela at the Macedonian Community Welfare Association on 9310 7566