The Macedonian Community Welfare Association (MCWA) kindly acknowledges our funding body the Western Aged Care Inc. through Slater and Gordon who have provided the community an avenue to access educational information, as well as resources and social outlets, in an environment providing for their linguistic and cultural preferences.
MCWA would also like to thank our Auspice Body for the DGR status the Australian Multicultural Community Services (AMCS) formally the Australian Polish Community Services (APCS) for their support and liaising together to receive this funding.
This project has been developed in response to the current and future needs of the Macedonian community that is currently classified as an ‘ageing’ population. As an organization, MCWA’s mission statement is ‘to advocate and be a voice for the Macedonian people within the Australian Society by providing developmental support and building recognition and respect’. This project has allowed for MCWA to uphold this mission and to promote positive ageing in the wider community.